The fear of other people's opinions has a paralysing effect on business and life generally. Cindy Gallop once said; “You will never own the future if you care about what other people think.” This article discusses the habits of highly successful technopreneurs.

Who is a technopreneur?

Technopreneur is gotten from two root words: "Technology" and "Entrepreneur"

According to Wikipedia defined technology as the entities, both material and immaterial, created by the application of mental and physical effort in order to achieve some value. In this usage, technology refers to tools and machines that may be used to solve real-world problems. The word 'technology' refers to technology, computers, and innovation.

Cambridge Dictionary described entrepreneur as a person who attempts to make a profit by starting a company or by operating alone in the business world, esp. when it involves taking risks. 'entrepreneur' refers to someone who initiates and creates an opportunity, for example, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. By placing these two terms, you understand the in-depth and personality, happy to take a risk to bring technology to the market.

Highlighted below are some habits of a successful technopreneur:

  1. Collaboration: As a technopreneur, you need to collaborate. Collaboration can be described as a working practice whereby individuals work together to achieve a common goal. This allows efficient rapid action to be taken in producing a sustainable result. Examples of collaboration in the tech world today exist in organisations such as Andela with Google/plural sight, Paystack with Zenith Bank, Express Payment with Spectranet and other tech companies that contribute to Nigeria's economy and the world. Collaboration helps to discover innovative ideas; it speeds up business growth and attracts more top talent.

  2. Planning: Planning means to draw a strategy necessary to achieve the desired goal. If you desire to be a reckoned technopreneur in recent time and beyond; cultivate a habit of strategic planning.

  1. Documentation:

The habit of documentation is one that should be inculcated into the day-to-day activity of a technopreneur; it plays a great role in the tech space. Documentation is a set of documents provided as a quick reference or guide to carry out assignments. For example, a software developer uses a Software Documentation Folder (SDF). This file contains the requirements for section; an interface section describes the communication interface of the software. It helps future developers and maintainers to understand the roadmap to change code or searching bugs.

  1. Mentorship: In our chosen career, we need someone we rely on for guidance and advice. An experienced and trusted personality who is ready to help and provide aid in achieving your goals. This helps to know the dos and don’ts. As an aspiring or practising technopreneur, choose someone whom you can approach in guiding you to the top of your career.

  2. Innovation: As a technopreneur, it is good to have the mind of an initiator. People with creative mindsets initiated the popular social media of today such as Jack Dorsey of Twitter, Jan Koum of WhatsApp, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Kevin Systrom of Instagram, and Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn. To be a successful technopreneur, you need to be an initiator who starts something and has the desire to finish it.

  3. Accountability: If you need to be a successful technopreneur; you must be careful about how you manage money. Any project or proposal must align with a sustainable budget in order not to run into bankruptcy. Be a person of integrity who does not manipulate figures for an immoral act. As an aspiring technopreneur, you must consider this area effectively.

  4. Exercise: The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. To be at the top; always create time to exercise. You don’t have to do aggressive or strenuous exercises, taking daily walks daily can help.

  5. Reading: One major habit of successful technopreneur is reading. It is worth making time to read books; include it in your daily routine. If you desire to be successful in the tech space, adopt this habit of reading.

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